After the (potential) client has submitted the complaint, the complaint will be transferred to the client relationship management system (CRM).

The content of the complaint will be assessed (this may also include questions to the client), it will be determined whether the client's dissatisfaction is justified as regards its substance and, if necessary, a proposal for a solution will be developed. This is followed by consultation with a superior. Depending on the type, content and scope of the complaint, it may be necessary to involve the complaint management function at an early stage. Finally, feedback is provided to the (potential) client, in which Scalable Capital communicates its position regarding the complaint. The processing period between the submission of a complaint and the provision of feedback should normally not exceed fifteen (15) business days. If no response can be provided within this period, Scalable Capital will inform the complainant of the reasons for the delay and the expected processing time.

If the client is not satisfied with our final feedback, in certain cases they may contact the arbitration board of the Association of Independent Asset Managers Germany. The arbitration board of the Association of Independent Asset Managers Germany is responsible for any monetary disputes arising from or in connection with the financial portfolio management offered by Scalable Capital and for which Scalable Capital is responsible: VuV Ombudsman's Office, Stresemannallee 30, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Scalable Capital is a member of the Association of Independent Asset Managers Germany and is obliged under the latter's articles of association to participate in dispute resolution proceedings of the VuV Ombudsman's Office. The (potential) client therefore has the option of referring a complaint or other dispute to the VuV Ombudsman's Office.

We would like to point out that the VuV ombudsman's office is not the appropriate addressee for a dispute resolution procedure for matters relating to account management and securities custody accounts, in particular in matters of delayed custody account transfers. As an acquisition intermediary, Scalable Capital has no influence on the internal processes of the custodian banks responsible for the settlement of securities account transfers or the third-party banks involved. In these cases, the aforementioned banks themselves or their competent arbitration bodies are a suitable point of contact.

Scalable Capital is not affiliated with any other recognised private consumer arbitration board.

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution for consumers who reside in the EU (in accordance with Article 14 (1) of the ODR Regulation) at Scalable Capital does not participate in the online dispute resolution.

Irrespective of the option of appealing to the VuV Ombudsman’s Office, the (potential) client is free to file a civil action at their discretion.

In addition, clients may contact the complaints body of the national competent supervisory authority which may also provide for an arbitration procedure:
France: Autorité des marchés financiers – AMF
Italy: Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa – CONSOB
The Netherlands: Autoriteit Financiële Markten – AFM
Spain: Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores – CNMV
Austria: Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde – FMA.