Please note that the following answer only applies to clients of our german Wealth offering.

The costs for investment services are calculated in stages depending on the amount of the investment. The amount of the investment per portfolio is decisive. If you have investments in different portfolios, these will be considered separately for the management fee.

The management fees are calculated in the following stages:
- 0.75 % p.a. for the portfolio value up to and including 100,000 euros
- 0.69 % p.a. for the portfolio value above 100,000 euros and up to 500,000 euros
- 0.49 % p.a. for the portfolio value above 500,000 Euro

Please note that the minimum fee for wealth management via ING is 75 euros p.a..

Example 1: 
You invest 650,000 euros in a portfolio. 
The first 100,000 euros are charged a fee of 0.75% p.a., the following 400,000 euros are charged a fee of 0.69% p.a. and the 150,000 euros above that are charged a fee of 0.49% p.a. 

Example 2: 
You invest a total of 120,000 euros, 60,000 euros of which are invested in each portfolio. 
A fee of 0.75 % p.a. is charged for both portfolios, as the investment value per portfolio is decisive. 

The calculation is made on a daily basis on the basis of the average client assets under management, the settlement is made monthly separately for the asset manager and the custodian bank.