Please note that the following answer only applies to clients of our German broker offering.
Credit can be applied for quickly and completely digitally (without sending documents by mail). Verification usually takes place within a few minutes on business days. Since credit amounts are secured with the securities held in the securities account, it is not necessary to provide proof of income, for example. 

The custodian bank may transmit personal data to Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Hammfelddamm 13, 41460 Neuss, Germany, for the legally required creditworthiness check. Data will not be transmitted to Schufa. Further information on the processing of your data by Creditreform Boniversum can be found at: 

Interest only accrues when Credit is used and is measured only on the amount used for the period used. The repayment of Credit is also flexible. Credit can be repaid in full or in part at any time by deposits or selling securities. There are no mandatory regular repayment instalments, as Credit has an unlimited term. You can, of course, set up a standing order from your current account to your clearing account for repayment.