Please note that the following answer only applies to clients of our Broker offering residing in Germany.

The total risk indicator (SRRI), which is listed in the key investor information document of the respective product, allows identification of the associated risk. For example, if a product is rated 4 out of 7, which corresponds to a medium risk class, then the risk is comparable to an ETF tracking the MSCI or AC World Index.

However, due to the complex nature of private market investments, there are some specific factors to consider:

  • Depending on the strategy pursued by the respective private market investment, it is associated with specific risks
  • Investments are made in illiquid holdings or projects
  • There is no protection against future market movements
  • The actual net asset value (NAV) is calculated only once a month
  • Shares cannot be sold in the short term or without restrictions either

Details on the BlackRock Private Equity Fund:
Investments involve risks. Liquidity restrictions apply. Consider specific product information.