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Deutsch (Österreich)
The new Scalable
Are my assets safe? What happens in case of insolvency of Scalable Capital or the partner banks?
As an existing client, when can I access the new offering?
Can I decide which exchange to use for my trades?
Can I open a second account as an existing client to use the new offering fast?
Can I transfer my securities from another broker or bank to the new Scalable account?
Can I transfer my securities from the Baader account to the new Scalable account?
Do I have to set up a new tax exemption?
Do I receive the same interest rate in both accounts?
Do I still have access to my Baader account?
How can I deposit cash into the new Scalable account?
How can I transfer cash between my two accounts?
I am already a client. What do I need to do?
Is Scalable a bank now?
What does the new Scalable mean?
What is a money market fund?
What is the EIX?
What specific changes will there be for Scalable Wealth?
Will I receive a new IBAN?
Will my Baader account be transferred to Scalable Capital?
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