Please note that our Wealth offering is only available to clients residing in Germany and Austria.
Please use our account transfer service in the fourth quarter of 2025 for this purpose. Only in this way can we ensure a smooth transfer of your securities with our partner Baader Bank. We will take all necessary measures to facilitate a seamless transition.
Your accounts at Baader (Wealth and Broker) will be transferred including cash, savings plans, fractions, loss pots (Germany only) and exemption order (“Freistellungsauftrag”, Germany only). After the transfer we will close your account. Your account at Scalable will then contain all your positions as well as your transaction history and documents. We will inform you beforehand.
Securities transfers require manual processing steps at both the sending and receiving institutions, as well as coordination with the clearing houses and other parties involved. Therefore, we will carry out the transfer service for our clients collectively in the fourth quarter of 2025. This is the only way we can plan with sufficient lead time and provide an orderly and trouble-free transition. We will work closely with our partner Baader Bank, the custodians, and all other relevant parties.