Please note that the following answer only applies to clients of our german Wealth offering.‌ 
Depending on the investment strategy, we invest for you with different focus in asset classes or thematic areas. The investment universe includes all major asset classes: Equities, government bonds, secured bonds (Pfandbriefe and covered bonds), corporate bonds, real estate, commodities and money market.

To realise your investment strategy, we invest exclusively in ETFs (exchange-traded funds or exchange-traded index funds), ETCs (exchange-traded commodities) or other ETPs (exchange-traded products), each of which also fits your preferences, investment objectives and other characteristics when considered individually. Eight asset classes with up to 8,700 individual securities from up to 80 countries are covered.

The ETFs are selected in an extensive, multi-stage process. The most important quantitative and qualitative selection criteria here are:

- Low costs
- High liquidity
- Low tracking error
- Appropriate diversification
- Safe replication methods