Cash balances: We allocate cash balances to trustee banks and qualifying money market funds with the necessary care and diligence. The distribution can change continuously and depends on the available capacities, conditions and customer activity. This may also mean that your assets are only held at one partner bank or only at one qualifying money market fund.

Clients’ cash balances - regardless of whether they are held in collective trust accounts with a partner bank or with qualifying money market funds - are not affected by the insolvency of Scalable Capital.

In the event of the insolvency of a partner bank, the corresponding deposits are protected by the statutory deposit guarantee up to €100,000 per client per bank. In the case of qualifying money market funds, the UCITS protection standards apply instead of the deposit guarantee, irrespective of the amount. In addition, allocations in qualifying money market funds are protected as special assets for an unlimited amount and are not affected by the insolvency of the capital management company.

Please note our risk information on the safekeeping of cash balances.

Securities: In case of insolvency of Scalable Capital, you are entitled to the return of your securities. These are not part of the bankruptcy estate and are protected to an unlimited extent.