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Deutsch (Österreich)
Are fees taken into account for tax purposes with Scalable Broker?
Can I get an advance exemption or reduction from US withholding tax?
Does Scalable Capital offer a tax report?
How are gold ETCs considered for tax purposes?
How can I set up or change my tax allowance?
How do I know my tax allowance is already used?
How do I obtain a loss statement?
How does the final withholding tax work?
How does the payment of the church tax work?
What happens during tax optimisation?
What is a non-assessment certificate?
What is an exemption order?
What is tax residency?
When do I have to pay foreign withholding tax?
When is the preliminary lump sum debited?
Will capital gains taxes already paid be refunded as soon as I set up an exemption order?
Will I receive a tax certificate at the end of the year?
Will tax optimisation affect my broker portfolio?
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